Together with our partner communities from OpenCV and Open Robotics / ROS, we put together a long overdue meetup in the heart of San Francisco on August 11th. We were lucky to be met with an incredible response from the community in San Francisco. The event was made possible thanks to Noisebridge and Hackster, who helped us provide great content, the venue, food, and beverages for our guests.
Katherine Scott from Open Robotics was our host for the night. She thanked our guests and introduced us to our speakers for the day. Our GM Ramón Roche followed Kat, who presented the PX4 Autopilot demonstrating the multiple capabilities through example applications by commercial adopters. Ramón was followed by Phil Nelson, Director of Content and Creative at OpenCV and co-host of OpenCV Weekly. Phil gave a fun and engaging talk guiding us through the multiple contests at OpenCV and all the great things happening with computer vision development in their community. He was followed by the excellent Alex Glow, robot nerd, and host of Hackster Cafe. She gave us a tour of the Hackster community platform and the many projects she’s worked on, including her adorable robotic companions who stole our hearts that evening. Lastly, our host and chief troublemaker, Katherine Scott, took the stage. She gave a quick overview of the latest and greatest ROS developments and demoed the new development platform, the Turtle Bot 4.
After the main speakers, we hosted a show and tell from our guests, who showcased terrific projects using open source, including Lauren Young from ModalAI, who presented their latest platform, VOXL2, and other guests with their robotics projects.
Events like this are vital to bringing the community together and inspiring developers. Seeing what everyone is working on in-person sparks new ideas, and a single spontaneous conversation can provide solutions to problems teams have been facing for months. With the Open Robotics, OpenCV, and PX4 developer communities collaborating on events like this, we set an excellent precedent for the future development of autonomous systems.

This is just the first of many meetups to look forward to! We’d again like to thank Noisebridge and Hackster for making this meetup possible in the first place, and we look forward to seeing you all at the next one! The Dronecode Foundation is excited to collaborate with the Open Robotics team on more upcoming events, including meetups and conferences in Japan, Chicago, and San Diego.
Join us in Japan for ROSCon 2022
Dronecode Foundation is proud to sponsor ROSCon 22, the ROS yearly event for its worldwide community happening in Kyoto, Japan, October 19-21. Are you planning to attend? Let’s meet up.