Dronecode Hardware Standards WG

Supporting the Pixhawk open standards
The original intent of the Dronecode hardware working group is to help drive open standards in the drone industry, finding new areas of collaboration and making sure there’s alignment between hardware and software interoperability.
Pixhawk open standards provide readily available hardware specifications and guidelines for drone systems development.
The workgroup works with the Pixhawk project to openly develop new hardware standards to help drive the industry forward
Click here to learn more about the Pixhawk Project.
⏱ Meeting Time
The Hardware Working Group meets Tuesdays bi-weekly at 9:00 AM PST (USA Pacific). (click here to find the meeting time in your timezone)
See the Dronecode public events calendar.
☎️ Dail-in Information
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/567710856
Meeting ID: 567 710 856
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aetSYKbiMF
+1 408 638 0968 US (US Toll free number)
NOTE: Please use *6 to mute/un-mute your phone during the call.
💬 Communication
The mailing list for e-mail communication
- Send emails to: wg-hardware-standards@lists.dronecode.org
- To subscribe see: https://lists.dronecode.org/g/wg-hardware-standards
And a #hardware Slack channel: https://slack.px4.io/
📝 Meeting Minutes & Coordination
The minutes from our calls are available per project.
- Weekly Agenda can be found on the PX4 Forums
- FMU Sub-group meeting minutes
- Payload Sub-group meeting minutes
- BMS Sub-group meeting minutes
- UAVCAN Sub-group meeting minutes