The HoverGames 3 challenge kicked off on October 6th, 2022, run by Gold member NXP Semiconductor and our partner Hackster.io, as an effort to help developers innovate using world-class technology and open source to help secure a sustainable food production future.
Challengers could use a Quadcopter or a Rover, loaded with fantastic hardware, including Bosch BME688, FMUK66, and NAVQ+ by NXP, controlled by the PX4 Autopilot, with some challengers going as far as running ROS 2 + PX4 setups to reach their goals.
The top three winners receive cash prizes and free tickets to the PX4 Developer Summit in October, with the first-place team receiving a travel scholarship to the event, by Dronecode Foundation.
But that’s not the only prize, the three runner-up projects each received $500. Lastly, Bosch awards $500 to the most innovative use of sensors, and the Dronecode Foundation awards a project for contributing to open source a prize of $500.
The team of judges consisted of industry experts from NXP Semiconductor, Bosch, and Dronecode Foundation. The challenge was tough, but twenty-eight teams persisted, making the judges’ job even harder.
Nevertheless, the winners were announced today. We couldn’t be happier with the results, especially with the Open Source Award Winner, who built a PX4 driver for the Bosch BME688 with a uORB pipeline built for his application.
Join us in congratulating the winners, who are all invited to join us at the PX4 Developer Summit next October for FREE, with first-place winners earning travel to NOLA to showcase their project to the whole open-source robotics community.
Lastly, we want to thank NXP for the opportunity to be part of this great challenge and Hackster for being the best partner. Congratulations to both on another great season of HoverGames. We can’t wait for what you come up with net year!
Top three challengers
- 1st Place: agriHoverGames – a smart drone that solves farmer’s problems
- 2nd Place: Autonomous soil Quality assessment (AutoSQA)
- 3rd Place: Crop Mapping and Survey Drone
Runner Ups
- Salt Water Tracker (SWT)
- HoverGames #3: Guardian of the Field – Buggy QXA3
- Cigritous: Crop Monitoring with Automated UAV Spray Response
Bosc Sensortec Sustainability Award
Dronecode Foundation Open Source Award