The Dronecode Foundation (DF) hosts open-source and open-standard projects critical to the Drone Industry. DF is a vendor-neutral foundation for open drone projects part of the Linux Foundation. We work with developers, end-users, and adopting vendors from around the world.
Who we are
Our bylaws
We are setting the drone industry standards with open-source.
The Dronecode Foundation
Our mission is to enable organizations to build and run safe and scalable drone applications in modern and trusted solutions. Autopilots, Mission planners, Communication protocols, declarative APIs, and open reference hardware such as Flight Controllers lead our strategy.
These technologies empower developers to build reliable systems in an open ecosystem. We want to allow future developers to test and deploy drone applications from their desk safety safely.
We are creating a community of like-minded individuals and organizations by fostering a sustainable ecosystem of open source and open standards that allow anyone to succeed, making our technology accessible to everyone.
Our ecosystem is a thriving community of developers, component manufacturers, solution and service providers, and even enterprise distributions.