The TSC is responsible for managing the technical aspects of the Dronecode organization. The TSC oversees the Working Groups (WG) and provides an interface to the board to align Dronecode strategic and technical direction.
Status Updates
- Working Group leads are now expected to attend the TSC monthly meetings. Daniel Agar (Code Quality WG), Beatriz Palmeiro (UX WG), and Julian Oes (Camera WG) were additional attendees this month. The TSC meetings continue to be on Uberconference and most of the WG meetings are also now using Uberconference.
- The TSC meeting clarified the Dronecode platform as being: PX4, MAVLINK, and QGC. There are several other SW components that work with the Dronecode platform on various HW platforms including DroneKit, ROS, FastRTPS, AirSim, Gazebo, and RViz to name a few.
- We have a new SDK WG to investigate the definition of an official Dronecode SDK. The SDK WG will be led by Anitha Suresh from Intel.
- Luis Strano is taking over for Ulisses Furquim representing Intel on the TSC.
- The Dronecode website refresh is now live and many thanks to the Hamish Willee (Documentation WG), Beatriz Palmeiro (UX WG), and the participants in both WGs for their collaborative effort in making that happen. The Documentation WG has reached its initial objective and will no longer hold regular meetings.
- Work on the PX4 1.6 release is progressing well and the release should be out soon. A new release of QGC should also be out soon as well.
Working Group Updates
The TSC Working Groups provide brief summary updates here.
SDK Working Group
The SDK WG has been started this month to investigate the definition of an official Dronecode SDK. The SDK WG will be led by Anitha Suresh from Intel.
Code Quality Working Group
The Code Quality WG is focused on ways to provide incremental improvements to Dronecode project code quality and testing. This month we have expanded some of the test plans for the flight test team.
Messaging WG
The Messaging Working Group has evaluated middleware solutions for communication between GCS, drone, cloud, ROS, and between processes running on the vehicle. Following selection of the eProsima FastRTPS solution, the group is progressing with integration of FastRTPS into the platform. For more information see the update blog.
Documentation WG
The Dronecode website refresh is now live. Having reached its initial objectives the group will no longer hold regular meetings. For more information see the update blog.
Safety WG
The Safety Working Group had a meeting with the FAA last week to refine guidance (this was very encouraging). AirMap and 3DR are driving next phase of draft application.
User Experience (UX) WG
The UX WG paused group-specific activities in the previous month to support the Docs WG in release of the Dronecode site refresh.