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June 20 – 21, 2019 | ETH Zurich, Switzerland | #PX4DevSummit

The Dronecode Project is proud to host the first-ever PX4 Developer Summit, bringing the Open Source community together to further the education and advancement of drone development. Join developers, students, researchers, and industry at ETH Zurich, from June 20-21, 2019.

Limited capacity 160 seats, special pricing for Students and Faculty members.

Registration is now Closed

Learn about the most recent updates to PX4, MAVLink and QGroundControl

Connect with the PX4 Developer Team, and the broader ecosystem of Developers, Researchers, and adopting Organizations.

Network with members of the Open Source community, developers, students, researchers, and industry leaders.

The school was founded by the Swiss Federal Government in 1854 with the stated mission to educate engineers and scientists, serve as a national center of excellence in science and technology and provide a hub for interaction between the scientific community and industry.

Room HG D1.2, limited capacity 160 Seats


PX4, MAVLink, project status, and roadmap
Flight system architecture (secure bootloader, driver standardization, etc. )
Developer tools and SDK
High Assurance hardware design
ROS2 Integration
Testing (SITL, HITL, flight testing, etc.)
Debugging and Simulation.
Computer vision and artificial intelligence integration.
BVLOS, UTM, and air certification
UAVCAN Support

Schedule at a Glance

Thursday, June 20

09:00 – 18:00 – Keynotes + Sessions (Talks / In-depth workshops)

Friday, June 21

09:00 – 18:00 – Keynotes + Sessions (Talks / In-depth workshops)

Speaker Lineup

The confirmed speaker lineup, including developer team members.

Lorenz Meier

PX4 Author, Co-Founder Auterion

Tully Foote

ROS Platform Manager

Daniel Agar

PX4 Maintainer

David Sidrane

PX4 Maintainer

Pavel Kirienko

CEO & CTO, Co-Founder Zubax

Matthias Grob

PX4 Maintainer, Flight Control Engineer Auterion

Roman Bapst

PX4 Maintainer, Software Engineer Auterion

Hamish Willee

PX4 Maintainer, Documentation Engineer Auterion

Julien Oes

PX4 Maintainer, Senior Software Engineer Auterion

Jonas Vautherin

MAVSDK Maintainer, Software Engineer Auterion

Nuno Marques

PX4 Maintainer, Drone Tech Consultant

Dennis Mannhart

Research And Development Engineer at Yuneec Research

Martina Rivizzigno

PX4 Avoidance Maintainer, Computer Vision Engineer at Auterion

Julian Kent

PX4 Avoidance Maintainer, Computer Vision Technical Lead Auterion

Scott Dixon

Senior Software Engineer at Amazon Prime Air

Paul Riseborough

PX4 Maintainer

Oleg Kalachev

Lead Developer at Copter Express

Aleksey Shlykov

COO at Copter Express

Andrei Korigodskii

CTO at Copter Express

Speaking Opportunities

Do you want to be part of the event? contribute to the community by sharing your first-hand experience with PX4, MAVLink or QGroundControl.

Reach developers, researchers, students, and industry leaders from the Drone Industry. There’s a limited number of session slots available for the community, we cannot guarantee space for everyone, please submit your speaking proposals as early as possible.

Apply here for speaking sessions.


Getting to the Venue

Where to Stay?

We put together a list of hotels that we know meet our standards.

Getting there

ETH Zurich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland





Special thanks to

Media Partners

Participating Companies

Sponsorship Opportunities

The PX4 Developer Summit brings together the open source community for the first time to further the education and advancement of drone development.

The full program gives attendees two days of sessions, workshops, and lots of opportunities to network.

  • 160+ Attendees
  • Two days on June 20-21
  • Hosted at ETH Zurich
  • Single track talks and workshops from experienced developers
  • Community Appreciation networking event

Some sponsorship opportunities are still available, act now, and lock your place as a Sponsor.

(Reach out to with any questions)

Join the Conversation

Follow #devsummitzurich on Slack.
(Sign Up to Slack)

Contact Us

Please reach out to the organizing team if you have any questions about the event, travel or content.

Jinger Zeng

PX4, Community Manager

Ramón Roche

Dronecode, Program Manager