CUAV Pixhawk V6X
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The infrastructure ecosystem for the development of autonomous aerial robotics.
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Latest Releases
PX4 v1.15 Stable Release
This latest stable version offers improved ROS 2 and uXRCE-DDS integration, expanded hardware support, and enhanced navigation capabilities. Not to mention the new Throw Mode, improved state estimation, updated Gazebo simulation, and optical flow support. Don’t miss out on all of the improvements – Thanks to everyone who contributed to making this happen,from committers, to community supporters who helped create content, documentation, and flight testing.

Dronecode Foundation Members
”ARK Electronics officially joined Dronecode in 2023 after many years of working with the community. Participating in open standards committees and PX4 firmware development has enabled us to grow and support drone manufacturers in the USA and around the world. We look forward to continued collaboration and seeing where open source can take the drone industry.
Alex KlimajCEO & Founder